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Are you depressed or are you angry?

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Depression is anger turned inward.  Since in our society, it is considered to be negative to feel anger, we internalize the anger instead of dealing with it.  When the anger is turned inward, it is like we are attacking our inside such as our feelings, our hopes and wants.  When we do that, we don’t express our true selves as we are too busy or too exhausted to pay attention to our inner scape.  We get praised as a good person when we please other people and ignore ourselves.  This hurts our self esteem as our esteem is based on the authenticity of one’s own feelings.  We want respect, understanding, listened to, and loved for who we are. We can’t be free if we get recognized for qualities, functions and achievements that can suddenly fail.

When we are not seen for who we are, and only complimented for hiding our true feelings, that is not being nice or holy.  It actually make us ill causing depression and or other physical illness.  It is easy for us to see how annoying it gets when someone, even once, to say ‘you don’t matter’.  Imagine that you are doing this all the time to yourself, thanks to the wise social teachings we got. 

It is a sign of health when my body lets me know that I am angry.  That allows me to pay attention to what just happened.  I find out wether it was an honest mistake of someone or a repetitious violation of my boundary.  It clarifies what I need to do next so that I can go back to feeling at peace.

Please note I am not talking about depression that is caused by chemical or medical reasons here.

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