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Emotional Abuse

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Emotional abuse is a widespread insidious phenomena, and rarely recognized by the victims unlike physical or verbal abuse.  It is still very powerful form of violence that is systemic and patterned to destroy the inner self of the victim.  It is important to distinguish emotional abuse from isolated insults or cutting remarks in the heat of anger and argument. 

See the following lists of the emotional abuse:



-ordering around


-withholding affection


-isolating from family and friends

-monitoring time, activities

-attempting to restrict resources (finances, phones)

-interfering with opportunities (job, medical care, education)

-accusing the victim of engaging in repeated hurtful behaviors

-ridiculing the victim

-expressing disgusts toward the victim

-threatening to abandon

-expressing excessive jealousy

-threatening life, pets, property, family

-coercing the victim into illegal activity

-discounting the victim

-labeling the victim

-negating the victim

See if you recognize any of the behaviors from the above list.  If the behavior is used systemically and consistently, it is emotional abuse.  Please seek help before you lose yourself and your identity.

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