Latest research in neuroscience says our brain co-evolved with our narrative abilities. We organize our lives in the form of stories. When our brain is in idle moments, the part of the brain that tells stories automatically activates. We begin to make stories about our relationship with our dates, our future, our children, etc.
Not only we use stories to explain our lives, but also we use stories to create our identities. Furthermore, the stories we tell ourselves impact our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
It is fun to think about ourselves as animal characters. We have more than one. I love turtle. Because I see myself as a turtle, when things are not getting done fast enough, I remember to take a slow step at a time and still win the race. I also see myself as a rabbit who likes to play with other rabbits running around and trying to catch each other. I am also a tiger who rules my domain, not afraid. These characters make my story of dedication, playfulness and fearlessness. If I don’t have a character for playfulness in my story, I may not have that side in my real life or lack of it.
What story do you have? What characters are in your stories? Who are they? What are you? Tell me your story in comment section.