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7% Conscious Mind

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Neuroscience says  that our brain consists about 7-9% conscious mind and 91-93% subconscious and unconscious mind.  Probably Albert Einstein had 9% conscious mind and the average people like me and you have 7% conscious mind.  We tend to think 7% mind controls our decisions, not realizing 93% brain has so much more control over what we do.  Most of us have experienced that our gut knew something different than our thoughts.  For example, you thought you were lucky to have a date although your gut told you that something was off with the date.  Later you learn that the date was not good for you after all. 

AA (12 step program) has a saying, ‘our mind gets in the way of our recovery’. That is because when we think we know what to do, we become arrogant. We don’t listen to deeper wisdom of our 93% brain or of others who have long recovery time. Deeper wisdom may tell us to go slow and steady when 7%mind tells us that it is ok to speed. Recovery and many life endeavors require patience and consistent practice.

93% brain knows how to heal when we get cuts on our skin. That brain knows how to digest the food we eat.  That brain also knows all that we have been through.  7% brain reacts to daily happenings where 93% brain lets all things come through without hasty reactions. To me 93% brain is like ocean and 7% brain is like waves.  Although it may be fun to ride the waves, I will not confuse the wave as the ocean.

When we allow our deep wisdom to come through, they eventually materialize for us.  We know a lot if we take the time to listen to our deep wisdom that is within us.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kathleen

    I love what you wrote about the 7% and 93%. So often I do what I think I should do, and feel uncomfortable. So unfree! Takes courage to be free

    1. admin

      Thank you. When I notice any type of ‘should’ voice, I pay very close attention as it usually imply external pressure, not my true intrinsic value.
      I hope you claim your freedom and enjoy the day!

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